field day demos
The field day connects farmers, machinery manufacturers, and the allied trades for a single day event that draws farmers from all over the US and Canada – because it is THE place to see weeding tools. The morning features a trade-show where companies can connect one-on-one with farmers, and educational sessions, and the afternoon features field demonstrations in vegetable and row crops.
Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (CFVGA) Demo Field Day ‘23
Email us if you are interested in attending or would like more information.
National Onion Association Summer Convention (NOASC) '23
NOA Summer and Annual Conventions are the perfect opportunity to interact with colleagues and friends in the onion business. Valuable experiences can be gleaned from educational presentations, industry related discussions, and local tours of agriculture or other interests. Conventions are held throughout the country, and internationally.
Email us if you are interested in attending or would like more information.
Kerr Farms Demo Day
Join Kerr Farms, Kejay Farms, the AgRobotics Working Group and Carbon Robotics for an in-field demonstration of the LaserWeeder.
Email us if you are interested in attending or would like more information.